For this year’s For Your Guy Guide, I enlisted the help of my dear Uncle Chris. You might have seen his name pop up in my content over the years, and he’s actually the reason I’m even writing to you via this Substack. Uncle Chris is someone that I’ve looked up to my whole life, equally as both a mentor and because he is great human being with a heart of gold. He pours his heart & soul (maybe more than he should) into each and every thing he takes on in life. I envy his writing abilities and while I have to re-read most sentences 3 times to fully grasp what he’s getting at, he is one of those people that I am constantly learning from. He makes you think. He has true taste. The kind that is so effortless and unapologetic. And while we joke (he encourages me by teasing me) about “influencing” and what it is, he is the ultimate influencer to me. And maybe we can convince him to start his own Substack soon? I am so honored to feature his brilliance in today’s guest Gift Guide and share his point of view with you all. Without further ado.. meet my Uncle Chris. Have fun! Love, Gabs
Prologue: You Are Now Leaving the Gabzone
Hey! Gabriella's Uncle Chris here. I am grateful for the kind and heartfelt words in Gabby's intro. It makes me proud she cares about me, what I have to say. Love is unconditional, but saying things like that are a real dream-come-true for someone like me, especially when they come from someone you both love unconditionally AND that declined the world’s literal most amazing popsicle from me upon our first introduction when she was six (I don’t care that she was defending her aunt (my wife) from a weirdo long-haired intruder who loved her!). Ongoing trauma aside, she said no to that popsicle then because in the most positive of ways, Gabby doesn’t fuck around. Never has. It impresses me daily, because she has been herself since the moment I met her (some fun high school moments aside–who doesn’t have those? (me)). I am not her blood-relative (as you can tell from that past cruelty), but I feel like we are kindred spirits all the same. So now that she asked me to do something like this for like the 10th time, I decided to push go not just because I love and value her and am so impressed by the world she's built, but also because she’s been asking me for so long to do things like this because she knows that like herself, I love sharing me (even if in different ways) and she digs it. If it makes sense, that’s who she is. Generous and interested, vulnerable and brave. So here we are, I get to take her ship from its dock and head out to the flemish cap. It'll very obviously be a break from your regularly scheduled programming, but I hope you enjoy it like she would have that popsicle.
First, we need a soundtrack. Everything does. So as we get going, hit that link and press play. It's sequenced, so respect the care in its development. And if you have no desire to listen to me telling you what to do (I can relate), click fuckin' shuffle. Because, I don't care! There are no rules, you do you. And yes, while starting with a playlist on Spotify1 represents a philosophical inconsistency in my being, consider its use as a mechanism of me sharing this music in the easiest way possible, an olive branch to you, dear unsuspecting and loyal reader of Gabby’s Gift, as you enter this zone of relative chaos.
Some backstory: When I started with this thing and subsequently completed it, I shared it with a few folks and it definitely got some laughs. A few hearty ones. And as the hours/days passed by, and the tinkering on my end continued, most of those laughs turned into an audible groan and the eventual conclusion telling me that “you don’t need to give a dissertation no one asked for,” or, from my wife, “you are a very kind dick (which I received via text twice, the first time in a group chat that included every parent on my son’s basketball team, the second to just me).” Fair-ish. So my first instinct, as usual, is to not do what I’m told. But, feedback is crucial, especially when it’s served up by those I respect with all of my being. So I had to abide. Because they, like me, respect you, dear readers. Me, well, I like to think, write, explore and sometimes take the long way to get there. Not in the “weaving” way we now know unfortunately so well. But in a way that, well, is my ADHD engine is jumpstarted by its shared-lobed counterparts, resulting in an insatiable appetite for all things that just somehow never gets full. I’m nothing if not self-aware, so I know that I can be a lot, for more people than less. And most of all, I know this about us all because I know it about me: most of the time I'd rather have fun, I’d rather poke fun, and really just do something that’s fun for me and fun-ish for everyone vs. just give some version of something no one needs (important note: we don’t need this whole thing, really, period… if ya know what I mean). So fun is a goal. The goal maybe. Either way, fun is in the eye of the fun-haver.
When it comes to sharing though, I do believe, as my dad would say, most strongly in my pov, opinions and perspective, so part that means I will rant a bit or share some feels. In this particular instance, they’ll be about what and how we assign value, how we say things about ourselves and what we do, and how we seek our individuality in a world inherently forcing us to stifle it. In a real life world, we exist in ways that go far beyond what we buy or display for others. I feel, ultimately, that sharing–however it manifests–is an attempt at presenting who you are to others. And with that opinion, perspective and a point-of-view at the forefront. So hopefully this won’t end up like I was told it shouldn’t, some dissertation or too-heady-for-fun bullshit that unnecessarily explores the reasons why I/we value and care about things at all. It’ll get hit on, no doubt, but why I’m here is to share some things I care about, along with some words as to why.
Now that we are fully entrenched in the uncle-zone, and the 2024 Gift of Gabs Guy Guide (I think). It's not designed to make you buy things, as I imagine much like myself, you or yours probably don’t need more things (even if we like buying ‘em!) or need more things bum us out when reminded of what we can’t buy or buy and give. Or receive. There is then no overly thoughtful throughline. Some of this stuff is expensive, random, hard to find, or even out of production (a prompt, to me, which is similar to a gift idea but you gotta find it yourself). And hopefully you’ll feel that this is not some sort of gatekeeping bs, either. It’s not, even if self-importantly I look at it and really don’t think it even could be. You could. But it’s not. Promise.
I have to also acknowledge that my approach comes with full acceptance (albeit with some trepidation) of having my words find their way not only into the realm I’m not-so-comfortable with sharing in (see: url), but also right into the path of those vague spaces that live confused amongst taste, pretension, elitism, and worst of all: the empty voids of performative-aesthetic. I can’t control it, but know that in the end, they’re just those aforementioned things w/ words, coming from a greying uncle. So mostly it’s like, it’s just like, my fucking opinion, man. If you met me, this would be easier. I tend to get to the point a lot faster and perhaps in a more cutting way, which also hits as to why Gabby mentions I tease her about influencing. It’s not always good! I don’t want to tease, esp. if it doesn’t feel like teasing. For a zillion reasons but in this instance, and in full transparency (as if you don’t realize this already), I am not an influencer and do not seek to be one. I don’t hate the idea of influencing. Or being influenced. I’m just hard to influence, and don’t know if I care to influence all the same. So even if I tried, given my self-comfort in the irl-life, I'm not sure that I'm suited for her version of sharing things in the url-waters that way that Gabby accomplishes so gracefully. Maybe I'm more spiritually tied to the idea of unknowingly irlfluencing (i.e. actively doing nothing but being myself–aka drinking wine and rocking some 'fluencing in the form of probably, well, just being a “most-opinionated” and kind, dick. Sigh). I love that you care about Gabriella. She deserves every ounce of your love and care. I told her this earlier but, remember that no one cares about me. and that’s ok.
Our world's drowning in "good taste + curation + aesthetic blablabla” overload, so while I enter this conversation knowing I may just be adding to that very noise, perhaps this is also me learning, or as the suits say, “building-the-plane-while-flying. Yes, duh, taste is subjective. Everyone thinks they have it (they absolutely don't). Maybe they do! (more than often, they don't). I genuinely believe that actual good taste–which few people do have-has that kind of good taste that goes beyond “individuality.” It’s is a unique, singular point of view and way of communicating that is impossible to be anything but moved by or defined. So while maybe all of us (self-included) that think we have good taste may be dreaming, that’s ok. Because a part of having good taste is giving zero fucks. There are only so many fucks to give in a day, anyways. And I’m not here proclaiming "I have good taste!" (which of course, despite the last few sentences, I do, dear reader). Or carry that “I wake up each day to curate for you” energy (which, of course dear reader, I generously can and I will do if you ask). I’m here mostly because taste in any form is that opinion, ownership and comfort, and zero fucks given mindset throwing caution to the wind in exchange for the opportunity to share what moves you with others. So while if you’ve already stereotyped me as some sort of pretentious douchelord, my passion is pure even if my taste is, in fact, questionable oh well. We contain multitudes and inconsistencies. That is why I like going long in the first place. Crack it open and see what pours out. So for you, dear reader, your take on all this will be what it is. And if you’re like me and love to constantly learn, perhaps something in here will be a spark in even the tiniest way. And if you just think I’m that douchelord, that is totally ok all the same.
Now, I know none of this is designed to seem all that serious (it isn’t), I do feel the urge to rant a wee bit as forewarned. So drop some more indica into your Topo and settle in for a second–press play on some of ‘24’s greatest jams if you haven’t already, damnit!–and let’s talk about Christmas trees. I’m fired up. I recently learned of this "trend?" that has people calling more traditionally decorated trees tacky. I’m flummoxed. As someone with a decorated tree that looks like a kindergarten project exploded, full of handmade ornaments and paper decorations from when I was 11 or my kids were 3, I think it's fucking perfect. And looks and feels perfect for that very reason. Clarity in chaos, united in love and nostalgia. I bring this tree-thing up because as I investigate more deeply the reason(s) why it fires me up, this is where I land: how we evaluate and describe things, even ourselves, has gotten lazy and performative. Vibes! Aesthetic! For the love of all things worthy, can we please please please eliminate these words from our vernacular? And more importantly, as the words in our mind that define the way we make decisions or act, even if unintentionally? If you did your holiday mood board and landed on that super-aesthetic monochromatic Vibesmas tree, perfectly curated for the 'gram, it's undoubtedly beautiful–as I imagine its surroundings are in-kind. Of course, for different reasons than my chaotic, "tacky" one. And if done with some of that taste I talked about, it should emanate your unique way of being that ideally goes beyond some vapid word like "vibe" or "aesthetic,” right? Because I think true Taste (with a capital T—reinforced by a quote my wife sent me last night (“Holiday decor isn’t meant to be sleek and minimalist, it’s supposed to look like joy threw up in your house”)—is not merely making that Vibesmas tree look aesthetically perfect, but built to expunge YOUR joy-vomit. So even if your puke is that minimal sleek, I hope it’s also irreplicable by anyone else but you, made for you and yours only. Because if not—here inlies the thing that gets me most irrationally fired up—I am bummed to think that anyone is decorating their tree exclusively for others' likes. I mean, of course I get it if that’s you, and it’s not meant to throw shade or shame. Go for it. I guess. Endorphins are great. But please leave my tacky tree alone. I’m not David Brooks suddenly (shit, am I?), but I didn’t give anyone flak about their Vibesmas tree ‘til those shots were fired. And, well, that vibe will end up as forgettable and as empty as the word has become itself. I’ll definitely die on that hill where meaning, chaos, love, memories, whatever—they’ll be as permanent as I am until I…die on that hill. Keep your Vibestree. But let’s ALL (self included) start to practice more fearlessness and thought and move into a place where all we do seeks to escape the vibeverse. Into something wholly our own (including the words and emotions we use to inspire and describe it). Let’s kill the vibes, and dance in the boundless, wonderful goodness that is defined only by the potential we have granted upon ourselves. As someone who has some of those kind vibes to prove it, I beg of us2.
Moving off the soapbox and onto the task at hand, we have now moved past the quasi-perhaps-actual dissertation. I am not grumpy. And I am (somewhat insincerely) sorry. But the guide! The GUIDE! This guide, well, was supposed to be “for guys.” A “guyde?” (you were warned, dad here). I don't know if I can do that as assigned. Gendered lists, to me, only make sense when dealing with items used specifically for anatomical use—but even then, who cares? So not to diminish the purpose of this post for Gabriella's platform to find things to buy dudes, you'll see that I'm not sure anything here is specifically for a man with a penis beyond what is very clearly sold as such (not my doing). There are things women may not be able to buy, wear, use things but want to–that ain't my fault, go for it still and tailor-away! And if I have things on here in the women’s section, pretend you didn’t see the retailer’s user-journey. This will be a list keyed in on sparking those ideas, again, for you or for who you think is great and “this gift will show 'em I know it.”
This is stuff I dig, and more than that, stuff I would try to get for those I dig. NONE of it I wouldn’t get for myself, or at least see as a bunch of shit that's fun to share during gifting season to spawn ideas. Gifting contains multitudes, both in not being limited to holidays or birthdays, but also that a gift can be literally anything and exploring the multitudes within is what is actually exciting. I personally redefine what gift-giving is constantly. Unexpectedness is a gift. Curiosity is a gift. Randomness is a gift. A thoughtful text message is a gift. So take this list of stuff and use it as you wish. And take into the new year the intention (see; no use-of-vibe there, and you know it could easily have shown up!) less transactional gift giving and more, hmm, sharing whatever you want, whenever you want? Send a playlist to a friend when they're down. Give someone their wedding gift 6 months after the wedding to remind them that while the chaos of their wedding is over, the joy of being married and the day they had should not ever end. Buy yourself something to refine your audio setup so you can have friends or fam over to enjoy it (ok that’s about me, Thanksgiving proved this theory merely days ago, my fam was given the gift of hearing their music like they never had before so fun). Gift!
I hope all the links work, and there won’t be many for referrals. But there are most definitely LINKS. Hit me up, if you want, I’m always here for it. Better yet, hit Gabriella up, if you want to learn more about any of it, or just ask why she asked me to do this in the first place. If I had confidence in what I’ve written, I’d say buckle up. Instead I’ll say thank you, that I hope that indica has crept calmly into your mind, and that I hope I can take this leaky vessel and land it firmly in the love-it or hate-it camp. Because indifference? No thanks. That's where the ship ends marooned and I have to play with the smoke monster for eternity. Alas, that’s the lit match I'm playing with in front of y'all, and you're looking for gas. Or shit that is that gas. Right? Hope so. And as a philosopher once said, we only YOLO once.
Off we go.
⟡ Part I: Music and the Soapbox ⟡

Let’s start with getting the most interesting topic that I care about the most, out of the way.
Support music and play records, for fuck’s sake! Buy CDs! Music is not a commodity. And while sometimes shared with others (the best!), it’s not even close to food, wine, beer, or whatever Erewhon criminally overpriced smoothie you're slurping down at the moment. Music is essential, because it’s permanent. It's a memory. It’s the soundtrack of all things, conscious or unconscious. It helps the world make sense. And it's there for you, always.
Even if you don't realize it, or think about it often or even want it around you as much as possible, you agree. I know it. You know the smoothies are a passing, true, luxurious-commodity. Delicious, maybe, but like that Tik Tok you giggled at this morning but now forgot during your evening scroll, it’s gone through the tubes of your life's plumbing.
So as you listen to that playlist I shared—you’re still listening right?—close your eyes and feel the sun on your skin or grass between your toes or the indentation of the pillow asking you to stay in bed (stay in bed, it’s ok), I promise you that if you don’t already, you will at least consider the chance that you care about music way more than you think you do. It is the permanent gift to our lives. So treat it daily like the present you open on your birthday. Send someone a song that speaks to you, speaking to them, and say no more. Treat it like an endangered species you’ll see in your vibe’nb passive income generator in Ojai. Invest in it, care about it, believe in it. Because it needs you to care more than you do, regardless of how much you care. Because it cares for you, always.
And to start, care for it by caring for you. Buy equipment to play it on that recognizes the value it brings, give it the space to matter. The equipment is relative, of course, and the notion of caring about a perfect sound system in service to music AND you might seem adorable/pointless – but that's exactly the point. It’s merely a reminder that stuff is stuff. And the stuff you really care about? That's the stuff worth caring about. And investing your money, time, and energy in. And with music, well, jump on the path of doing it better, whatever that means to you.
The rabbithole is never-ending, but if you want to do it right right and if you are one of those people who hasn't thought about how much money on clothes or d2c algo-driven drivel you've spent this past year, in '25 tuck that wad under the mattress until it gathers enough heft so you can put it into something that will last forever-ish. "If you have the means, I highly recommend checking one out.” Means are relative, but the intent is universal. Because bottom line, until you have remotely good sound in your life–regardless of where you decide to start to get there–you will never live a full life without the attempt. It's a vast, interesting world and there are options for everyone, especially if you have that wad fully dusted and ready to burn. It's all there for you. And until you can play music that sounds as good as possible–to your unique ears–you will be missing out. The parties you throw will be missing out. The car will be missing out. The kids will be missing out. So try to do something about it! And really, that's the thread running through everything here–from audiowear to underwear. It's all about finding the thing that makes you stop staring and start caring.
Now we'll leave the old-man-yelling-at-cloud portion of this post, and put our focus solely on aiding in making music sound good, and become more enjoyable and present in your life. This will not and can not be comprehensive. I don’t even want it to be. But hmu if you so desire, and we can go deep.
Orbit : US made. Multiple entry points. Simple, elegant, don’t need much more
Cd Player:
Marantz CD6007 : CDs. Guess what? They sound GREAT! A wonderful alternative to vinyl, in sound and emotion. Grab this guy, or really any cd player, and see what your parents–or goodwill–has hiding. Look at what it does, and find others like it if this one isn’t for you
Ojas Shelf Speaker Kit w/ Horn (RESTOCK ALERT!) - Go get ‘em, and if they’re gone, wait patiently and get ‘em when they are. And maybe learn a thing or two in the process.
Western Acoustics Type 2 Some Ojas alternatives, equally beautiful and less handiwork required
Klipsch Fives: Easy place to start, always on sale
Marantz 2245 My dad gave me this as a teenager (which he had as a teenager) and it still rips BUT… it belongs in a teenager’s room. Quick note: please don’t buy it for a teen or if you are a teen. Sadly, it will do the trick but at this price, it’s vibe over performance…never a good thing as the dead horse I’ve been beating can attest. So unless someone can slide it your way (maybe your old uncle has one in the attic with his CDs?!), it will simply be a safe, sound (no pun) investment, and it’ll end up in every modern living room moodboard you see during your morning and evening scrolls. But unless you’re a nostalgia-head like me, look elsewhere to $pend less and get more
Yamaha A-S501SL : style and substance
Cambridge Audio CX A-81 : all you’ll ever need (but, if running a turntable, have to grab a preamp)
Go for a perfect receiver. Worth every penny, will only become more valuable with time and care. It checks that aesthetics box and way, way over-delivers on the function. A right answer if you have the means Ferris was referring to
Follow folks like Jeff for good guidance
Grado: Something for Everyone
Make Your Own Kind of Music:
Teenage Engineering OP-1 + EP-133 Sampler: Required only if you win your fantasy football league and can splurge. Also a rare case where there is similar function available for le$$, but nothing will ever match how good it looks, feels, and plays. It’s perfect
“Digital” Listening:
The iPod: Is this the most important invention ever? Yes (not really, but still yes). Likely no one here remembers a life before everything was at your fingertips. As a silverback millennial, I see this as Boomers + Gen-x trying to connect with the future, and they ended up defining it. The iPod is a living, breathing example of cutting out the noise. It requires thought, and showcases how important it is to keep decision making to a minimum. Fill it up to the max, that’s all ya get. A digital record collection. You need mp3s (also still great!), but who cares? It’s worth it. It works like a charm, sounds even better, and while it may seem like it’s a move to look cool, tbh they just fucking inherently look cool and do all you’ll ever need. Just don’t look cool wearing those plug-in airbuds, those legitimately sound like trash
Tidal: THE BEST if we must stream (we must, I do, as much as anyone). Someday it’ll be like Venmo when it was just for buying drugs. When you were there early and it was at its best, simple and felt small/for you
Bonus A/V actually TV content (the only one!): If you have not watched Station Eleven–perhaps my favorite television show of all time–please do. The link, well, that’s a playlist I made as an homage to its brilliance
Ok that’s it. If you’re still here, you will never keep going if I do. So we move on.
⟡ Part II: Things to Wear or Put On ⟡
Jackman Waffle Beanie: the absolute best at the best price. Find your color. This one is mine
Cottle Beanie: Upgrade on the Jackman. Magic but…it’s a beanie all the same (not really, it is really perfect)
Worn Path: Bookmark it but for now, buy and get off the internet
Petrified Good: Support Neil, VW, Aphex, or just good, goofy custom Patagonias
And After That: Keep an eye when releases go up. Always fun. Hats normally the winners of the bunch. RIYL good movies, irreverence
Uniform Bridge Longbill: Take the bill a bit longer and be the shade
To Balaclava or Not Balaclava: Keep your face warm, it’s always something we forget to do. We remember the neck because style, but please know you should lose / you’ll lose your scarf so keep it in a ‘clava
I Lost My Mind in Chicago by the best Bnny
Our Legacy - New Box T-Shirt: Top-tier t-shirt excellence, 10/10
Russell Sweatshirt Cardigan: Abundant and Affordable: Russell vintage crewnecks are a staple. The cardigans just give that je ne sais quois, allowing you to show whatever it is you’re wearing/not wearing underneath
The Brainticket: Too expensive. But not if you can find on the cheap(er), it’s worth it and thousands less than fancier brands selling the same shit
James Coward Replica Jacket: Not a jacket you’ve ever experienced. Good if you live in California or anywhere on earth. Truly a gift worth giving, to anyone
Orslow Loopwheel Hoodie/Crew: Hands down best sweatshirt money can buy. Buy one of each and call me in the morning. If you can find one of these (BUY THAT SMALL STAT!!!), do that instead/too
J Crew Vintage Washed Pocket Tee: Hard to beat, 8.5/10, 9/10 with age
Kaptain Sunshine Cashmere: Wait for it to go on sale because of their non-Ghiaia name, and you’ll be happy you did… even if it’s next fall
Monitaly Eye Sweater: It’s evil to think they label this not cashmere
Wythe Oxford: the ONLY oxford worthy of a bout with the undisputed LL Bean Sail Rigger. Not sure why we keep making shirts once ones like this arrive. Permanent
Are Studio Studio Shirt - One Size Fits Most. And don’t sleep on the rest of the goodness within
J. Crew Rollneck: The best to do it, undisputed, and timeless. Don’t be scared to look like the jaws bro
Evan Kinori x Man-tle Down Jacket: Perfection. Has been on every list I’ve ever made in any form, and will remain into the future...because I’ll likely never own it. Everything EK makes, though, that I own I will have forever, as it is also truly perfect. Hard to reconcile with the ol’ bank account, but it’s made to last and worth *every penny*. For now, I’m going to keep finding enough shit to sell to an unsuspecting UVA grad using his mom’s credit card to still try to make this mine someday. For now, set the alert and be patient, for literally anything that feels achievable. EK will never fail you
Never Cursed: Everything they make looks permanent. I… do not own any of it…yet. But will! Keep the lids taped open as you scroll past dupe mushroom lamps to await a re-opening. I may just eat mushrooms and do the same
Uniqlo Airisms: Find me a better pair of underwear
Patagonia Briefs: Wait. Ok. Uniqlo, what’s good?
Vintage Baggies: Focus on the USA-Made-Days. And a liner, so no garment! Cowboy style but for my mountain-man-brethren
APC Achille: Time to run it back to a brand that made jeans that weren’t Levis, matter
Kaptain Sunshine : These are just fucking great jeans. Trust
Stand-up Pants: These got pricey. but considering I still wear the same pairs I wore in 10th grade, they’re worth it
Graziano Guitierrez Duck Canvas Carpenter Pant: Carhartt double knees, if purchased new and appropriately thrashed via your lived experience, cannot be beaten. If you are seeking the alternative when buying new, look no further. In fact, if you like things made with love, by hand, by the best in the biz—poke around the rest of what G&G has to offer
Universal Works Hi-Water Trouser: The olive, the fabric. Goodness me
Good, consistently decent socks
The Best Socks: Foxfibre is no joke. Never worn a sock I’ve loved more, and I will be buying them all in the remote chance anyone here presses go
Toe-Socks: I walk A LOT. Like abnormal amounts. I love it. And to do that, or really just give each of those toes the solitude they need on the journey, especially to keep them from encroaching on each others’ space. These will help in that. And even if you don’t walk a lot and want to wear some socks and stocks with the dogs out, I’ve found it’s a completely unhinged but amazing move to slide these on. Hell, someone even asked once: “wait, are those tabis? Sick, bruh.” No man, they are not tabis. They are from the Walking Store in the mall
Gurus: House shoes that you can probably go to the bar with and look better, be warmer, and give less shits than 95% of people there
Post O’Alls Sabo Shoe: Probably won’t find ‘em at this point, but if you do, grab. Size up. Never met a shoe like it
Needles Mountain Slip-in: If you can’t find the Sabos–a worthy and wonderful alternative
Lady White Military Trainers: If you can’t find these, hope for more or dig deeper. They’ll keep coming, they made something special that I can’t see stopping anytime soon
Memphisto Zavieros: Dare I say, the most comfortable mule? Your lower back will thank you now and later–value add!
New Balance 2002R Gore-Tex: While there was a moment in time where the hypebeast stuff was fun 100%, and as someone that truly loves scarcity as it offers me what feels like mine, I don’t love the hypebeast shit because it basically creates perceived scarcity for transaction vs. craft/etc. JJJOUND is guilty of this, which is not shade. More than just, the reality. Manufactured scarcity to create secondary-market value. That is kind of over now, I think, but even then–if these are hypie or not, they are the best New Balances in the business. Elastic laces. Gore-Tex. Subtle. And barely a logo beyond the only one worth wearing (N). I may buy more of these and have ‘em on ice forever. A worthy, and now past-hype-cycle shoe good for all climates and human-types
Auralee x New Balance 1906r: A close second to the prior NBs, and Auralee in general could be all over this list if I did it over (I’m not going to)
Bedrock Evo-Pro: I love my Chacos, including the pair I’ve had since 1997 that are on the brink of death but still rolling. But these are right there with ‘em. Built to last
Vasque Sundowners: Only seek the variant shown here. They sit with my Chacos as the oldest things I own along with the Stand-Ups listed above
Montbell Slip-ons: Best/only served with the dogs out. Let ‘em run
SAS Journey Mesh: If you want a full no-logo sneaker with no sass all class
Union / Birkenstocks: The Zurich and Boston are truly the best Birks. Union knows this well, and did it well. If not these and you just want the Zurich in canvas, or the Bostons with some similar treatment, slide these puppies on the piggies
James Coward + Trickers Monkey Shoe: Wowza
Rolex Explorer II: I love watches. That’s for another email. But, this watch, especially at this price (see: more affordable than ever), is just straight up overlooked. It’s perfect, dynamic, resilient, and will feel like you’re the only one that has it. To me, it lives in the “No Flex Zone” Rolexes, meant to be thrashed like those Carhartts
If you just want something perfect on your wrist, take it from the French and its best living retail world (RIP Colette)
Beams x Timex x Engineered Garments: hctaw siht rof evah I evol eht ebircsed tonnac sdroW
I, more than regrettably, did not grab this even when I had the chance and was in cart ready to go. It speaks to me. And I think of it often.. A truly global watchmaker: Swiss-made, and like its Italian spiritual counterpart (in my opinion, baseless in reality), just fucking killer. Follow along with what Ming does, and if you see one of these let me know!
Seconde Seconde: If you want a watch that feels as though there is only one on earth, look no further. Has so much fun with what he does, and the messages he sends. Lucky to have the one I linked, but as he becomes more prolific–more goodness shows up everywhere
Salt & Stone Santal + Vetiver: Finally THE alternative to Malin Goetz Eucalyptus
Asset: Eye cream for your brown eye
Frederic Malle Musc Ravageur / Angeliques Sous La Pluie: Both worthy enough to keep the Tam Dao on the shelf, but not worthy enough for my skin, as it’s been married to TD for a decade+
I’m a hippie. This is good. Especially if you’re a hippie, or have hippie-tendencies. Or also value the greatest American Rock Band of all-time
Aesop Hair Serum: Haven’t found something that works as well as this to tame the beast
Stay Young/Get Old: The face needs protection. And unless you are a full-on routine person (I am not), and like to keep it simple, this is just consistently good, mellow, and protective. While my niece has called me “weathered” from time to time, that’s mostly after a night of wine not age-related effect (I hope :/)
Speaking of Age: This stuff does wonders in a low-key way for the aging of this ol’ guy, battling that Chicago wind every single day
Damaged or not, cleanse
⟡ Part III: Things For the Physical Spaces ⟡
Split Lamp by Alvaro Ucha Rodriguez - Keep an eye out for when he makes more, or anything. Or get the sharpest side table you can find (PSA: needs the cork top, otherwise there will be blood)
Murano Lamps: This one’s mine, go find yours. They’re out there
Lichen Pivot Cabinet: Holds your things, never looks unhappy
Candles for Fun People
Soho Home Luna Linen Bedding: The absolute best sheets I have ever owned. My favorite person on earth who shares the bed with me does not agree, but I think she really does deep down. Best part, don’t need to be a member to get them!
Sally Fox’s FoxFibre Sheets: Similar to those socks, truly next level, rivaling those Sohos
Put that new audio setup you build on a few of these beauties or even these
Own multiples of these (typing on one now), but all the pillows are rea$onable for you or even your furry friends
These pillows look uncomfortable, but aren’t uncomfortable
If you hate normal lightswitch plates, give these a go
Rugs so beautiful it feels wrong to put them on the floor (the wall would work tho imo!)
Leucos Lamps: Not a one has ever made me sad. Love eternally to them in all forms
Maybe? Probably never. A man can dream
Take a Seat, forever: This was the final boss for my listening room. It is all that and then some. Comfort is rarely this comfortable
Yamadamatsu Rakuen Incense Coil: Don’t burn it on your driveway. Click notify jic they gone
Adam Pogue: His work is ART, all caps/no cap. Once ya realize you may not be able to afford it (I can’t, beyond some clothes he worked on with Mohawk a ways back), you may wonder what else this marvelous site has to offer? I still will covet all AP does
Brian Merriam’s Photos : This dude takes photos that make you realize Earth may actually be in outer space. I don’t own these, but like Jerry to follow, the second to top on my want list
The Chicago Weave: A warm hug from a company in my cold, perfect city
Jerry Garcia, Stinson Beach 1971 : This is the best photo of Jerry, ever. 1stDibs is a treasure trove for things you see and love, have loved, that very well may be accessible to actually own and you didn’t know it yet. This is the number one of my grails. Someday Uncle Chris. Someday
Kitchen Mitts: If denim is your thing, these will be too
Mario Barbaglia & Marco Colombo Table Lamp: A desk lamp like no other. Follow Baker to find more amazing things he actually finds. And find this lamp
Robert Maxwell Ceramics: My favorite person’s favorite things. I imagine there will be hundreds in our home soon, screaming silently at me. I may buy them all just because she’s my favorite
Be Where How?: Ram tries to teach me, but I never find a way. Robbie Simon’s piece I have had in my office for a while and now I have it tattooed (in my own design) on the ol’ chest. If you can find one out there–or even the bumper sticker–it’s a worthy reminder of what we try to do (be present) being about as hard as anything there is out there. Lmk if you’ve figured it out
Maybe art, maybe something else. But magnificent jewelry and magnificent miscellany by Mark Sabino
Found A Good Place And Am Sticking To It: Corey Presha is one of my favorite artists on earth, go check out his constantly shifting, and amazingly unique work. This sits at #3 on the “grail” list for ol’ UC
If you are a Calder fan (my all time no doubt fuck yes favorite artist), check out Chicago’s Curio mobiles for the crib (or house)
Bill Callahan: An idea if you need to have fun and support good things, made by one of the all time great musicians, and also drink alcohol
Aesop Brass Oil Burner + Oil: I got this years ago, use it daily, never ceases to be great. Stays smelling good like a good hippie should, even after burning and staying dirty. Its effect is not dissimilar from Aesop’s own poo drops, but for your home
Wes Lang ⚡️: Come for the Dead, stay for the skeletons
Peter Fredericksen : Dude makes all of this on textile and with a sewing machine. A magician. Long on Mt. Rushmore of artists for me, and one of the best dudes around. Find a gallery with his work and grab it fast
Some Kitchen Linens made of… Linen
Chicago’s Own Don’t Fret: Vaguely Anonymous, Omnipresent. If you are connected to Chicago in any way, DF will have something for you to bring to your home at some point
⟡ Part IV: Things to Use ⟡
Ricoh GR-IIIx: Take a pic
Selphy: It’ll last longer
Long live the one, true perfect phone. Long may it run
Remarkable: As someone with 300 different well made, well designed notebooks that all sit in some form of empty to dated to flat out just shelf eaters–you’re probably like me and do not need more notebooks. I know, I know, it’s so organic and fun. I like them. But you’re good. This year, grab this life changer and use the shit out of it. Then decide what belongs in that permanent paper page. That said–as I’d tell you every year–if you do grab anything to doodle with, they don’t make them better than Marjolein Delhaas. Grab ‘em while they last. Then…
Get the Exa Compta deskpad for yourself and everyone you know, put it on the table/desk/nightstand/counter/whatever. Use it up, refill it. It’s perfect. Move on to more important things like…
Terrapin Stationers: Buy (unique or custom) stationery! No one does it better than Ted. Hit him up on custom, or grab the greatness available right now. Regardless, sending or receiving a note can speak a thousand words. Embrace the connection
Nothing unique here, but if you have a desk job, a desk, or both: grab this for your desk, even if you never use it as intended. Then put all your shit in this. People will think you don’t have a desk job anymore. Like an old man with a pickup who can’t use a hammer
BAGS! Minimal bag ideas, saved only for game changers. And before you go buy another bag of any kind, check your toteventory. Please! I don’t mean anything named ‘tote’ that is permanent in nature. I mean those totes-as-marketing collateral. Rarely are they well made, and even if some of ‘em are, I bet you have fucking 3,000 of them. Use them! Shred ‘em. Then move on. Otherwise it’s just more waste! We don’t need more totes. There are so many totes. I have totes for totes. And boxes for totes with totes in them. Death to totes.
Amiacalva Gabardine Two-Way Backpack: The Pizza Hut AND Taco Bell of Bags. Grab on ebay or find a version elsewhere. But the tote + back duality is next level
Our Legacy Wash Bag: You’ll find this cheaper, eventually. RIYL using a fancy bag to put your gross shit in.
Rocco: not a bag, but you can put things in it tha will make you smile
Carry Your Wine: The Richard Carlson Vintage is about as good as it gets
Carry Your Drug: If you want a single-banger to put that bottle in, that is adorable and thankfully not carrying pharmaceuticals.
⟡ Part V: Things to Put In You ⟡
Some good ones to crush or observe a fellow crusher crush. When in Chicago, all good things begin here. All Together Now!
Kou Kou / La Boutanche (the liter love, even if … not the real one?)
La Boutanche: Something to say, the litre second in line
Bovin: the only litre that matters
Fly with Fleurie
Allora. Field Recordings Freddo
Germans !
Las Jaras Glou Glou: Still too good, and too well designed
Middlebrow Pit Wine: Come to Chicago, doubt it finds you soon
Mama Teav’s Garlic Crisp: Not sure they sell it at Erewhon, but buy it on Amazon instead and eat it with everything including cereal
Stop vaping! Go to Italy! And if you are in Italy, or not, grab these dips in your scent-of-choice and soak it in while you cruise around town. Allora!
⟡ Part VI: Fin ⟡
That's it. We've docked. Worse for wear, perhaps, but we're here.
Truth is, I don't actually like getting gifts. I love giving them, all year round. Sometimes a gift can say everything that would otherwise take forever to express to those I love. Maybe this stems from childhood trauma involving a trucker-piss-scented wolf hoodie from Grandma and an LA Kings Starter knock-off (we lived in St. Louis so like, the BLUES were the team!) she clearly bought at an Amoco Christmas morning, but that's another story. When you look forward to gifts, you want them to be good. And when they're not, maybe that just drives you to do better and care less about getting them in the first place.
What is also clear is that gift guides aren't an exact science. I wanted to share whatever this was, to me, instead. Transparently, I still have many ideas, secrets, and things to share. I also have plenty that is in the safe, only for the personal collection. For the whole time, I wanted to keep going, but that “dissertation” comment jarred me enough to think differently. Thanks a lot, haters! My brain is a wild one, and long ago (see a week) I decided I can’t cover it all. And I still have gone too long. But whether it be e-mails to subscribe to beyond Gabby's, TV, movies, art, design, books, food, restaurants, cities, shops, furniture, flowers, lightbulbs, tools, cars, etc–there’s so much more in the dome. Even going deeper on being vibed-out or talking about why pretentiousness may just be a good thing, or why timelessness is harder than ever to differentiate from trends designed to be timeless. So maybe I’ll pour some wine for the next few weeks and Gabby will get an email from ol’ Uncle Chris who has more shit to talk about. That would most definitely be easier for you to read, if nothing else. My suspicion, though, is you’re prob fine with this being one-and-done. That’s ok too. But as you can tell, I’m down to share, connect, and give advice on anything I may know something about. Here for it always. So hmu!
I hope you either loved this or hated it. Maybe your love found much to dig into. And maybe even if the taste in your mouth can't be scraped off with even the best of tongue spoons, you still found something inside you loved for you or yours. Have a loving, thoughtful, rewarding, enriching, restorative, and exceptionally vibe-less holiday season, y'all. Make it yours. Long may you run.
My name is (Uncle) Chris Kaskie. I live in Chicago with my wife/Gabriella’s aunt, our two kids, and two dogs. I am a partner in a brand and creative advisory called Varyer. I also consult and advise, as well as get involved with things that bring me joy and fulfillment, sometimes within the context of a consultancy/to-be-better-defined thing called Slow Focus. I love music, speakers, receivers, cds, vinyl, clothes, jackets, shoes, reading, tattoos, smells, design, furniture and art (among other things lmao). I can be found here (if you want only 4 posts of my fam/kids annually), and maybe at some point, on an active substack, ig or otherwise. Until then!
As you will see in the first section below, DSP listening is not my preferred method. That said, it’s easy, omnipresent, and inexpensive-ish to the user. For artists, it’s awful. Try Tidal. It sounds best and of the “major” DSPs, it’s best to the artist. And btw, beyond Spotify being kind of the worst of the DSP bunch, how do you all feel about your 2024 Wrapped? Mine is complete and utter bullshit. I looked at my real stats, and nothing in my Wrapped is correct. Just another year of free marketing that gives the wrong artists the love. Shame. But believe it if you see it. Leave it if you dare.
Holy smokes Kaskie is king thank you
this was a GOLD MINE! thank you thank you thank you Uncle Chris!